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Cameron Branch
Feb 42 min read
Ukraine aid money missing; But are we surprised?
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy recently admitted in an interview that they’re not exactly sure where all the U.S. aid money went.
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Cameron Branch
Sep 15, 20224 min read
Control the narrative, Control the World
This article once read could be looked at as hypocritical. I clearly have an agenda and bias against the mainstream media, the bitter...
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Cameron Branch
Sep 15, 20224 min read
Why the news is bad for your health
As many of us have now realised, the news is almost inescapably negative stories. Crime, War, Natural Disasters, Hate, Tragedy, Disputes,...
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Cameron Branch
Sep 15, 20224 min read
Choice is our superpower
We are all faced with decisions every day. Even now, you the reader are faced with a decision to read on or not. How are we to decide...
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